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Our Values

Value Proposition

We offer petrol forecourt, convenience and retail store owners who want strong promotional solutions at POS, improved customer experiences with surprise and delight. Our offering comes with minimum risk yet offers maximum return; premium, inspiring and innovative products from a
reputable brand that catches attention.

Our Brands

DSL is more than just a name; it’s a stamp of approval. It reflects our authenticity and quality. We have adopted these values in our registered brands so whether you're considering placing our inTech range of smartphone accessories, our award-winning multiVAPE brand or any of our others brands including TuulKit, PawPride, Road Patrol or others, rest assured, you are in safe hands.

Find us in store and online | DSL

Innovative POS

We offer a wide range of creative, compelling and innovative Point of Sale solutions. Using our professional in-house design and production team, backed with decades of insight into consumer buying behaviour, we provide a full package of in-store marketing materials, including pump crowners, counter display units, free standing display units, shelf display units and price cards. We can even customise these to incorporate your own corporate branding.


Trust is at the forefront of our values: from trust in our principles to trust in our people, it extends all the way to the quality of our product and what we deliver. Our team believe in the DSL brand and its goals, and that genuine advocacy and authenticity shows. As market leaders, it’s our responsibility to lead by example and give our customers confidence when they commit to DSL. You can count on us.

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